I missed Masterchef

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Last month there was a big audition held in the country..the Masterchef Malaysia audition. Since last year i have a dream to join this competition and always watch the show at TV.  The audition was held at Subang Jaya which is where I am now. It was like the audition was calling me to give a try. So i made a research on this audition at their website and read all the terms and condition (Preparation for the audition). Unfortunately i had to let it go...... The contestants should give full commitment to the show from July 2012 to November 2012( if i dont mistaken). Hey..how i am going to feed myself during that period of time? Apply for annual leave? Unpaid leave? Or quit from my job? Aiya..whose going to pay my fix monthly expenses? My home, car, utilities bills n etc? So i hold myself not to go to the audition. Its sounds like i was so confident to be in the competition. But why not? We need to think the worst ,what are the pros n cons before we make a decision in our life. Right? Unless i am a student or just finished my study and i have a lot of time to spend before i got a job . Or if i have 5 digits in my account so i have no problem to join this big competition.. So i guess its not my fate to be there (for now). So.....i would like to say All The Best for those who succeed to enter the competition. Remember, cook from your heart...


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